Welcome to the Herne Bay Christian Spiritualist Church Website
Registered for Marriages
Welcome to our website, our Church has been here in Herne Bay since 22nd December 1949 and
over the years a lot of hard work, dedication and love has been built into the Church.
If you would like to talk to Jane about Weddings, Renewal of Vows, Christenings or Funerals at various
crematoriums, or any other matters, please contact her and she will do her best to help.
The Church holds Circles, Healer Training and Clairvoyant evenings, and of course Church Services
where we have different dedicated Mediums who serve our Church.

We hold our Services:
Sunday 6.30pm and Tuesday 6.45pm
Healing is after the Service on Sunday and Tuesday, there will be no healing on Wednesday during the winter months.
We also have healers who do visit those in hospitals, hospices or if someone is unable to
attend the Church we come to their home.
Private readings are by appointment.
For further information on any of the above please contact Jane on 01227 364506 or 07734 252478.
Sometimes a change of Medium may be necessary.