Dear Friends,
Summer at last! We certainly have had enough rain, so hopefully no drought this year. The climate is changing, places that were hot are cooling and those that were cold are warming up, but this seems to have been happening for thousands of years, with atmospheric conditions it certainly doesn’t help with all the pollution which is in the air. I still think we have a beautiful world, and we all need to work together in caring for it. We need to look after our Rain Forests, our trees give the air the oxygen, which is needed for the environment, our oceans get polluted. We have more flooding; the Dykes need to be monitored and cleaned, as do the canals. Let us all ask for God’s help to preserve our wonderful earth.
We have all missed seeing our Josie at Church, but our prayers and thoughts are always with her, another long standing member of our Church is Eunice who is having a break to regain her strength, but is looking forward to being back with us shortly, I know we will all be pleased when she is able to be with us again.
Diane Ebeck is our new members secretary now, so if you have any enquiries or wish to join as a member of the Church, please see our Diane who will give you all the information you require.
Hopefully Mrs Gwen Legg and Chris Rahr will be answering your questions in trance on Friday 19th July, starting at 7-30pm, the cost is £4.00 or £3.50 for Church members, this does include Tea/Coffee and Biscuits and will be followed by a raffle. so if you have any questions you would like answered, please come along, it is also very interesting to see Mrs Legg work in trance.
Friday 16th August we are holding a clairvoyant evening with myself and Andrew, starting at 7-30pm the cost is £4.00 or £3.50 for Church members, this includes Tea/Coffee and biscuits followed by a raffle, proceeds from the evening will be going to The Air Ambulance Trust.
If you would like flowers on the Altar for a special occasion please see me.
Circles will resume in September, date will be confirmed nearer the time.
The committee and I wish you all a lovely summer and we always look forward to seeing you at the Church.
Many Blessings,