Dear Friends,
I hope you have all had a good summer, we are now ready for Autumn, which I think is a nice time of year, the changing colours of the leaves, squirrels getting ready for the winter by collecting nuts etc. and storing them away, hedgehogs hibernating, we have some beautiful wildlife, although we live by the sea, I think it is good to get into the country which is not that far for us to travel and be able to enjoy the wonderful gifts God has bestowed upon us. We all need to work together in protecting our planet for future generations.
We are holding our Harvest Service with Val Budell on Sunday 6th October starting at 6.30pm, if you could spare a few items for the Harvest, they will be greatly appreciated and after the Tuesday service will be distributed to the Food Bank, tinned/packet goods and possibly even toiletries? It will help those who are really struggling at this time.
Friday 11th October we welcome Barbara Almond as our medium for the CLAIRVOYANT EVENING starting at 7.30pm cost is £4 or £3.50 for Church members this does include tea/coffee and biscuits, there will also be a raffle.
Sunday 10th November Rev Barbara Almond will be our medium for the Remembrance Sunday Service starting at 6.30pm, it is a special service where we can offer our thanks and prayers for those who have and still do provide protection for their countries, some paying the ultimate price, we also remember their families.
Our CAROL SERVICE will be held on Tuesday 10th December starting at 6.45pm, EVERYONE is welcome, we will be singing carols, some members will be reading poems and a few passages from the Bible. There will be refreshments after including sandwiches, sausage rolls, quiche, crisps and mince pies, tea/coffee. It is a lovely evening and always well attended. It is the committees way of saying thankyou to you all for supporting the Church throughout the year. There will also be a raffle
During the winter months there will be NO healing on Wednesday evenings, however if you or you know of someone who requires healing, please let me know as this could be arranged. We do visit nursing/care homes etc. providing permission from who is in charge allows this.
Please remember that over the Christmas period if you need to talk or require healing, please do contact me, as this can be a difficult time for some people, and I am always ready to listen.
The committee and I wish you ALL a very Blessed Christmas and a Happy Prosperous New Year.
Many Blessings
Rev Jane Kaby